(Updated 03/04/2023)

Universal Credit has replaced working and child tax credits for most people. You may be entitled to claim Universal Credit instead.

Can I claim tax credits?

If you already get Child Tax Credits, you can still add Working Tax Credits to your claim.

To get Working Tax Credits you must be on a low income, work at least 16 hours a week. and already be in receipt of child tax credits.

How to renew tax credits

If you are claiming tax credits, you will be sent a renewal pack which tells you how to renew your tax credits. You must renew your tax credits by the date shown on your renewal pack. For most people the date is 31st July 2023.

If you miss the deadline your tax credits payments will stop. You will be sent a statement and will have to pay back the tax credits you have received since 6th April 2023.

Please contact Citizens Advice Tax Team for support with your tax credits on 01983 823898 ext: 2836 or call/text 07702803274 or email us at

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