(Updated 06/04/2023)

Why do I need a National Insurance Number?

You need a National Insurance number in the UK to work or claim benefits.

You can find your National Insurance number on your pay slip, P60, tax returns or official letters about tax, pensions or benefits.

You can also check where to find your National Insurance number at GOV.UK if you've lost it.

To check your National Insurance record and check for any gaps in your National Insurance contributions or if you have been told if you have not paid enough National Insurance to claim a benefit please click here

Citizens Advice Tax Team can help you to check your National Insurance contributions for free.

We will support you through the Personal Tax Account System or contact National Insurance directly to ensure that you have the correct entitlement.

Please contact Citizens Advice Tax Team on (01983) 823898 ext: 2836 or phone/text us on 07702803274 or email us at

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