(Updated 05/04/2023)

Keeping in touch using a video call:
Keeping in touch with family, friends and other loved ones makes us feel connected and helps with feelings of loneliness.
What is video calling?
Video calling can be a nicer way of chatting with others than just a phone call, because it lets you see the person you’re taking to, and them see you. You can even have a group chat with multiple people.
Not sure how to get started? Here we give you some step-by-step instructions on how to keep in touch using a video call using different devices – some of these include video demonstrations that make things clearer.
Video calling using a computer:
Zoom or Skype are examples of video calling software you could use.
You don’t need to install anything to use these, it can all be done through your internet browser. The person who you want to speak to just needs to make sure they have an account as well. They can then send you a link to join a video chat.
Remember: Only click links from people you know and trust. It’s always worth double checking with them that they have sent you a link.
For more information on installing these options and more please click on the links in the Related Organisations Box.
AGE UK IW Digital Support:
Age UK Isle of Wight's digital inclusion project can support you to access the internet, to stay connected and access vital services. They hold drop-in sessions and digital support workshops across the Island. For more information on their services including communication online please go to www.ageuk.org.uk/isleofwight/our-services/digital-inclusion