(Updated 21/07/2023)

Can I get settled or pre-settled status in the UK?

You need permission to live in the UK if you're from a country in the EU, European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

The EEA includes EU countries and Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein. Your options for staying in the UK depend on your situation.

The deadline for most people to apply for pre-settled or settled status through the EU Settlement Scheme was 30 June 2021. You might still be able to apply if you’re in one of these situations:

  • you started living in the UK by 31 December 2020 and you need to make a late application
  • your family member has pre-settled or settled status and you want to join them in the UK
  • you have a valid biometric residence permit or visa

If you’re not in any of these situations, you can only stay in the UK as a visitor for up to 6 months. If you want to live in the UK, you’ll need a work, study or family visa.

If you already have pre-settled or settled status from the EU Settlement Scheme, you have permission to stay in the UK.

Can I make a late application?

If you didn’t apply to the EU Settlement Scheme by 30 June 2021, your rights in the UK have changed. If you can make a late application, you should do this as soon as possible. You can make a late application to the EU Settlement Scheme if you couldn’t apply on time for practical or ‘compassionate’ reasons. It will help if you have evidence to show why you couldn’t apply on time.

You might have a practical reason if you:

  • can’t speak English or use the internet
  • are homeless
  • are disabled or have other support needs
  • have lived in the UK a long time and didn’t realise you needed to apply - for example, if you have permanent residence
  • are in prison and you don’t have access to advice or documents

You might also be able to make a late application for compassionate reasons. This might be because you:

  • have experienced domestic abuse
  • are a child and your parents didn’t apply for you
  • are a child in care or you recently left care
  • are a trafficking victim

There might be other good reasons why you couldn’t apply on time. When you make a late application, you should say what your reasons are and try to include evidence to show why you’re making a late application.

For more information on eligibility for a late application and how to go about it please click here

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